
A dull day in December -

why am I going

for a swim in the river?

Why go from grey, cold and wet

into brown, cold and wetter?

Where’s the joy in that?

It is the winter solstice

and I feel lucky.

What could be my wish?

A kingfisher would be good,

an otter even better,

both if I could!

So, as I fight the flow,

who should fly by

but a kingfisher low!

Peep peep and gone,

in a blur of red, white and blue -

off on a mission.

And as I stand after,

towelling myself dry,

I gaze on the water...

Who should surface,

where I had just been,

but an otter no less!

Heralded by a rise,

the snaking brown body

a welcome surprise.

There is magic

in this world,

you just have to look...