I am Here, Where are You?

I come round from sleep

to the sound of bellowing:

a cow in a field.

I am here,

where are you?

It is 1am

and the full moon is shining;

all else is quiet.

I am here,

where are you?

Booming out loudly

like a foghorn out at sea,

persistent, urgent.

I am here,

where are you?

Who are you calling?

Who has been taken from you?

Or who have you lost?

I am here,

where are you?

A friend? Or a child?

Or a relative perhaps?

Someone that you miss?

I am here,

where are you?

You sound so distraught.

I can hear your suffering.

And I am sorry.

I am here,

where are you?

I hope that you find

safety and security,

and your peace of mind.